I have resigned from the Board of Directors of the Loudoun Literacy Council, which I did with regret—I felt due to my busy schedule I just haven't had the time lately to devote to the duties of a board member, or at least not to the extent that I would have liked to. I loved telling people I was on the Loudoun Literacy Council Board of Directors, and believe me, if I felt it was responsible to do so, I would stay on it until they kicked me off. I cannot say enough about the importance of the mission, or the incredible work and achievements I have seen in the years I’ve been associated.
Of course this doesn’t stop me from staying involved in supporting the council, which I plan to keep doing—look for more Buzzed at the Bee and Not-Your-Kid’s Bee events whenever we can make that happen. So with that in mind, I decided it was better to free up a spot on the board. (And if the person who replaces me is anything like the board members we have today, that person is going to do amazing work.)
When I first got involved with Loudoun Literacy back in 2017, frankly, it was sort of a nonprofit in some ways rebuilding itself. Now, thanks to amazing work by everyone involved, it’s one of the topflight, most respected and most successful nonprofits in Loudoun County. And as I always tell people, learning the language is the first step to lifting yourself up, from accessing other human services to getting more education and a better-paying or more satisfying job.
Anyway, I wanted to share publicly the letter I sent to our executive director, board chair, and fellow board members.
Dear fellow board members,
In the time I have served on the Loudoun Literacy Council Board of Directors, I have seen the organization flourish. It was one of the great privileges of my life to be invited to join, and it has been one of the great joys of my life to be part of it.
In the years since I first got involved with the Loudoun Literacy Council through the first Buzzed at the Bee and Not-Your-Kid’s Spelling Bee, I have seen our organization grow to be among the most respected and well-run nonprofits in Loudoun. That is entirely down to the work of this board, the previous board that invited me to join, the excellent staff, and Nikki Daruwala and her tireless leadership.
I am always very proud to tell people I am a Loudoun Literacy Council board member, so it is with regret that I offer my resignation. Unfortunately, it has become clear that I do not have the free time necessary for my duties as a board member. Happily, as I write this I am not at all concerned about Loudoun Literacy Council going forward. The Board of Directors today is a room full of people I respect and admire, and I am glad that I feel I can step away with the full confidence that our success will continue under their leadership.
I plan to stay involved with the Loudoun Literacy Council as much as possible. I look forward to helping out with more spelling bees and to telling more people about the excellent work this nonprofit does and why it is so important to everyone in our community.
Thank you for sharing this time with me.